Tuesday, October 31, 2006

America's Acupuncture Points

There are some who think the US is preparing to attack Iran:

Harper's: "The Next War"

Global Research: "The March to War" details a military buildup in the region. With footnotes.

Attacking Iran may not be a good idea:

Asia Times " In the event of a major conflict involving superpower America and its allies (primarily Japan and Britain) on the one hand and China and its allies (primarily Russia and Iran) on the other..."
Asia Times Part 2.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Anime -- Japanese Animation

Last Exile anime, official site
AniDB sort of IMDB for Anime
Gunslinger Girls Cyborg assassin girls who wonder if they're human. Reminds me of Oasis in Sluggy Freelance

SF in general:
Sturgeon's Law or actually Sturgeon's Revelation

More Sci-Tech Links

Robert's Shared Items apparently by Scobleizer.
Windows Vista Blog
Technorati "Who's saying what, right now." Just-in-time searches, apparently

Zooie's Blog
O'Reilly Ruby blog
Wikipedia: duck typing
Wikipedia: Common Language Runtime for Microsoft .Net environment.

del.icio.us public bookmarks
Ola Bini blog Talks about the "meta-meta-" problem, which is also a theme in Something Wonderful This Way Comes

Ruby official site.
Ruby on Rails web development
Stevey's Drunken Blog Rants by Steve Yegge of Stevey's Blog Rants

Jamie Zawinski's critique of Java.

Sci-Tech Links

C|Net News
Ars Technica
Scientific Activism.
Scobleizer All things Windows.
Google Co-op
Joel on Software Software management.
Stevey's Blog Rants a Google programmer
Scripting News
The Daily WTF Page 3 program email
Mike's Dump
Error 10 Strange Mac errors
C Errors
Computer Errors
UI Hall of Shame
Error generator
Dispair, Inc. demotivational posters
Eric Sink
Ask Tom Oracle
Old New Thing
1337 speak a parent's guide


Another one forwarded by MMLee of A Writer's Block:


News Online

Sites worth checking on a semi-regular basis:
MyWay news
Consortium News
Daniel Ellsberg Wrote "The Next War" for Harper's, suggesting that war with Iran may come soon.

iTulip.com currently tracking the aftermath of the housing bubble.

Financial Sense Online
Intelligent Forecasts
Free Market News Network
Financial Times
The Raw Story
History Network News
Op-Ed News
Shelter from the Storm
Global Research
Daily Reckoning
World Press
Resource Investor

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Food Recalls

FDA Recalls, Market Withdrawals, and Safety Alerts. Here's a good one: Hood Issues Allergy Alert on Undeclared Milk in Hood 100% Apple Juice. Seem to be lots of alerts on undeclared food ingredients. "Oh, gee, I just can't imagine how that got in there! You know we list all the ingredients right on the label!"
Recalls.gov. The food page pretty much points to the FDA (above) and the Food Safety and Inspection Service [FSIS] (below)
FSIS Recalls

Economics Etc.

Somehow gloom and doom sounds more authoritative to me. There are a number of people who sound like they know what they're talking about, predicting: recession next year, drop in the value of the US dollar, thus an inflationary recession, or stagflation, like we had in the late 70s.
Grandfather Economic Report
Financial Sense online
Mega-Storm Signposts
American Conservative caught my interest because this article seems to be highly critical of Bush's Iraqi adventure. Appears rumors of dissent in conservative-land are not exaggerated. Here's another: some conservatives are actually hoping for a democratic win this year because they think it might be good for the country and the party in the long run. [If the economy does tank next year, the Democrats may not still be celebrating a 2006 victory in 2008.]
Financial Times
The Raw Story
Op-Ed News
Shelter from the Storm Apparently the shelter is Croatia.
The Garlic At least as much "humor" as fact.
Information Clearinghouse

Friday, October 13, 2006

Lyrics Shinedown .45

Atlantic Records
Lyrics Depot

More Financial Weblogs Etc.

First Million at 33

Federal Reserve stops publishing M3 figures

Shadow Statistics
Federal Reserve announcement
Investment U. How to profit from the ban. La la la...
Journal Inquirer. North-central Connecticut sounds suspicious about the whole thing.
Prudent Investor. Like the color scheme.
Mess that Greenspan Made. Name of the weblog, not my opinion on Greenspan's career. It's not a mess, it's just different. Like piranhas are different from goldfish.
Cathrine Fitts' take
Related: Plunge Protection Team, Washington Post

Bill Gross Last Vigilante

Stingy News.
Sizing up Social Security One issue is where we're going to get the money to support the Baby Boomers in their retirement. Another issue is where we're going to get the production we need to support them when they leave the work force, regardless of where the money comes from. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one to wonder about the latter.

Ludwig von Mises Institute, Robert Blumen
PFBlog, a nice short summary of Gross' points.

Vigilante Investors and other strangeness


Refs Bill Gross' "Last Vigilante" article about anti-inflation vigilantes, but not about the new anti-recession vigilantes per se.
Bubble Cycle Economy. Written before the real estate bubble ran out of steam.
Frankenstein Economy
Shadow Statistics an alternative to government statistics for people who don't trust the government. Most features require subscription, but the fact this even exists is interesting.
iTulip Glossary, sort of a Devil's Dictionary for finance.
Catherine Austin Fitts Iran-Contra, War on Drugs, money laundering, and prisons for profit.
Broker Watchdog

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Alternative 4

Lyrics, Anathema, "Alternative 4"

Alternative 3


Lyrics Godsmack Serenity

Godsmack "Serenity"

Lyrics Refreshments Banditos

Refreshments "Banditos"

Lyrics Ozzy I Don't Know

Ozzy Osbourne "I Don't Know"

Friday, October 06, 2006

Candle in the Dark

Informal fallacies: http://www.candleinthedark.com/informal.html
http://www.candleinthedark.com/logic.html sounds like an objectivist
http://www.candleinthedark.com/philosopherslist.html List of philosophers and their philosophies.

America the Schizo

In U.S. News & World Report, October 9, 2006 issue, pp. 60-61, there's an interview with Doonesbury's Gary Trudeau. "The country's living in a state of low-grade schizophrenia, and that worries me."

Me too.

Sue 'em all and let God sort it out

Forwarded by MMLee of A Writer's Block:
Not sure how this is supposed to work. Does he think the court can make the aliens pay up?

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Electricity deregulation


Brain Atlas
